Wednesday, May 7, 2008


It has come to the attention of Mitchfork that the album (Narrow Stairs) featured in our latest installment of "Pre-Emptive Pounces" was lacking an exact number score.

We at Mitchfork believe that everything should be rated in exact number scores. It makes life easier. In fact, Mitchfork rated itself a 4.2 not too long ago. This was meant to be a scathing critique of an acid jazz review which refused to stay true to the spirit of acid jazz reviews. Safe to say, problem solved.

So it is with mild embarassment that we realized we had forgotten to numerically define our latest album of note. Apologies, and without further ado we bring you the grade for Narrow Stairs.


(In explanation of any seeming discrepancies between this number grade and our rather overwhelmingly positive review, Mitchfork offers no clarification save for the acknowledgment that we were less that pleased with the next ten seconds of "I Will Possess Your Heart". Very. Fucking. Derivative.)

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